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Comparing Compiler Options and Output Files (Lab 2)

Depending on the way a file is compiled, it will have different run time speeds, file sizes, and Assembly code. This is explained below in 7 different compilations of a C program:
 **All images will be hosted here [click the Assembly Code Pictures.docx green text to download] to make this post lighter on the planet, every picture reference will be made by figure followed by a number.**

1: gcc lab2.c -g (debugging) -O0 (no optimization) -fno-builtin (no builit in function optimization)

When exploring the Assembly version of this code we use objdump -d lab2.c which tells us a few things. Firstly, the code I wrote is in the section <main> in figure 1. Secondly, the statement to which I am calling (a simple "Hello World!" printf statement) is displayed in figure 2. Lastly, with objdump -h we can see there are 30 section headers and using ls-1h we can see the file is approximately 72 kb.

2:  gcc lab2.c -static -g -O0 -fno-builtin

Without explaining -static, lets see what it does to our file size, section headers, and function call. After compilation the file size is approximately 815kb, many times bigger than our dynamically compiled program! We can also see that we have 2 more section headers totalling 31 which are assumed to be unneeded. Lastly, the function call makes a reference to a different section header  <_IO_printf> shown in figure 3. This section appears to be much larger and slower than the printf counterpart as seen in figure 4.

3: gcc lab2.c -g -O0
 Without including the no function optimization option, we notice an important change in function call, it now references <puts@plt> noted in figure 5. This section is also quite small, noted in figure 6.

4: gcc lab2.c -O0 -fno-builtin

Without including debugging features and information we notice some differences in size, section headers, and disassembly output. Firstly, the size is slightly lower, now approximately 70kb instead of 72kb. Secondly, there are now only 25 section headers, significantly less than the original 30. Lastly the disassembly output is significantly smaller than the original output.

5: gcc lab2.c -g -O0 -fno-builtin

This time, I added more print arguments, the statement looks like the one below.

printf("Hello World!\n%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n%d", 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);

We notice in figure 7 that each number is assigned a register specific to the architcture being used, which in my case is an Aarch64 architecture.

6: gcc lab2.c -g -O0 -fno-builtin

Changing it up again, I now switched the basic "Hello World!" statement to a void function called output() and called it in the main function. The result is the code in figure 8, where the <main> section now calls the <output> section which calls the previously mentioned <printf@plt>. This occurs becuase the assembler must now dig for the code we want to execute through the external function call.

7: gcc lab2.c -g -O3 -fno-builtin

Using a full optimization with O3 option while again using the standard "Hello World!" printf statement yields a very unexpected result. While still not allowing the function optimization the program cannot rewrite very much code, and yields a result nearly indentical to the O0 compilation option.

These tests with compiler options have allowed for some conclusions to be made. Firstly, for the best run time speeds following program completion, it is crucial to have the -O3 compilation flag and minimal function calls. Secondly, for debugging purposes, the -g option should always be added as a compilation option. Lastly, the program should be only knowingly compiled with the -static compiler flag as it appears to include the entire library in the assembly code instead of calling pieces when needed.


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